This driver is made for controlling two bipolar stepper motors at up to 2 Amps per coil, as well as providing power to any logic or other gizmo that goes with them.
It features two A4988 drivers to provide the required output to the motors and simplify the logic to control them. This includes selectable step sizes from 1 to 1/16 as well as adjustable current limiting.
This driver also includes a switch-mode power regulator to supply the board as well as any external controller or device you want to attach. A solder jumper allows selection between 3.3V or 5V output, both at 1 Amp.
The design of the board has the three power regulating chips on the bottom to allow mounting against a chassis or heat sink.
- Board Dimensions: 40mm x 28mm
- Input Voltage: 8 - 35V
- Motor Current: 2A per coil
- Output Voltage (Vcc): 3.3V or 5V
- Vcc Current: 1A
This driver is made for controlling two bipolar stepper motors at up to 2 Amps per coil, as well as providing power to any logic or other gizmo that goes with them.