Pulsar 4E Bottle Drop Tests

With the second deliverable for the Outback Challenge quickly approaching it was about time I discovered if the Pulsar could even carry the all important bottle of water.

After a successful maiden flight I took the Pulsar home and began hacking away at it with a rotary tool.  The idea was to cut the holes I had planned in the fuselage so the bottle could be attached and the camera could see.  This is pretty much what I achieved, albeit with a few more slips and scratches then I had hoped for. (more…)

The Pulsar’s Maiden Flight

So it’s been 18 days short of a year since the Pulsar arrived in a giant box.  Since then there has been a lot of time spent measuring and modelling and generally designing to figure out how to fill it with stuff to ready it for the outback challenge.

It took a few attempts at various components to get the fit right.  Measuring its sleek, sexy curves proved to be quite difficult.  The last few days have been spent shifting things around to perfect the balance and program my recently replaced radio equipment. (more…)